St John's Episcopal Church. Ithaca NY


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Altar Guild

Greeters & Ushers

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July—August 2012 Greeters Schedule
Coordinator 8:00 AM Service:  

Coordinator 10:30 AM Service:  
8:00 AM Service
10:30 AM Service
July 1
Judy Lutes

Ellen Gainor
David Faulkner

July 8
Judy Lutes
Woodrow Miller
Rob Steuteville
July 15
Judy Lutes
Jane Mead
Susie Backstrom
July 22
Judy Lutes
Dean Hawthorne
Kate Hawthorne
July 29
Judy Lutes
Jane Mead
August 5
Aaron & Jasmine Wagner
Ellen Gainor
David Faulkner
August 12
Aaron & Jasmine Wagner
Woodrow Miller
August 19
Linn Henry
Jane Mead
August 26
Linn Henry
Susie Backstrom
September 2
Linn Henry
Woodrow Miller


    • Please remember to wear name tags
    •  Be familiar with the location of the Nursery
    •  At 10:30 AM Service - Wait for the congregation to start singing before going up with the offertory.
      Open the curtains from the back side of the curtains, it just looks better.

    • Communion ushers should go up as soon as as the choir goes up to receive communion so that
      there is not a big gap between the choir receiving communion and the rest of the congregation
      moving to communion rail.
    • If a parishioner asks that the sacarments be brought to their pew; please stand by their pew on your return
      from communion. The priest will then know who requested that the sacraments be brought to them.
    • Please remember to tidy the church after each service i.e. pick up all bulletins, replace hymnals and prayer
      books, and lift kneelers.

    • If one makes a last minute change in one's schedule, please let the Parish Secretary know by Wednesday
      so the Bulletin can be correct.